Quit India moment quit India resolution

was passed in Bombay session of Congress

on August 8 1942 quit India moment was

to be carried out in a non-violent way

at wider scale addressing the


Gandhi gave the mantra of do or die

done that he said we shall either free

India or die in the attempt British

government took immediate action to stop

the movement in early hours of 9th

August Sardar Patel,

mahatma Gandhi, molinaro, maulana Azad

estra were arrested. At least 148

Congress leaders and their follower

were arrested people were not left with

any big leader they started moment in a

way as they could all over India there

were strikes in factories all shops

schools and colleges were closed anti

British demonstrations were held all

over India police resorted to firing and

Lahti charges to control the people at

some places people attacked police

stations post offices railway stations

daily telegraph and telephone lines were

cut off people burned government

buildings the railway wagons were put on

fire some military vehicles were also

put on fire Madras and Bengal were the

most affected areas during this period

at some places British officers had left

the towns in several towns of Bengal

Madras Bihar Odisha Maharashtra and

Andhra Pradesh there was no British

Authority left after 1857 revolt for the

first time people had stood against

British rule in such a large number the

government used armed forces to control

the people demonstrators were fired at

with machine guns demonstrators were

fired from air at Patna Bhagalpur

manga in Bihar and nida in Bengali

according to official figures 940 people

were killed but narrows view was that

4,000 to 10,000 people were killed by

police firing more than 60,000 persons

were arrested now what were the reasons

for starting the quit India moment there

was a growing threat of invasion of

India by Japan as a second world war

going I was going on that time it is

said Mahatma Gandhi wanted to save India

from Japanese invasion he was of will

that if British leave India the in Japan

will not attack India secondly British

had been badly defeated by Japan in

Burma and Singapore both Indians and

British had to evacuate these places

Grand age opinion was that if British

does not live India then Indians will

also have to face the same faith another

reason was that Matt McCarthy was deeply

hearted by racial discrimination shown by

British in Burma in Burma British got

defeated by Japan both Indians and

British had to evacuate the Burma

British whole racial discrimination at

this moment also they provided the safe

and easy route to a European sort of

equation whereas they provided the

unsafe and difficult route to Indians

for evacuation Indians had to face many

hardship on the way there was anger

among Indians regarding this attitude of

British during Second World War the lens

of people of India were forcibly taken

away for military purpose for this they

were not provided any composition houses

so people were also forcibly taken away

to stationed military due to this there

was anger among people and the prices of

goods had risen very high it had become

very difficult for common men to meet

the daily needs all the wars in Bengal

were seized

so that Japanese would not capture them

so due to all these reasons there was

extreme discontentment among general

public against British mahatma Gandhi

thought it was a right time to start a

moment against British but the quit

India moment failed it could not force

the British to leave India so what was

what what was the causes of failure of

the quit India moment the leaders like

one thing is the leaders like Matt

McGann devala, Nehru and Maulana Azad

Sardar Patel Kriplani rata Rajendra

Prasad they were arrested so all the big

leaders were in the jail

there was no coordination among the

demonstrators quit India moment did not

hurt his quote from the upper class of

India like much and landlords in Milan

earth and princes all these people

didn't support this moment and the

Muslims also remained away from this

moment Muslim leader had asked a Muslim

not to join this movement as it was a

moment by Congress against British for

independent Hindu nation the British had

a strong police and army so they crushed

the demonstrations with Lottie charges

arrests and even by firing

so although the quit India moment filled

but it had gains also gains of get India

moment although the 1942 quit India

moment failed that is could not force

the British to leave India but but it

created panic and terror among British

they had now come to know that their

days in India were numbered they had now

come to know that Indians will not

tolerate the British rule this revolt of

1942 had a deep impact on minds of

British which became evident by their

change in policies in coming years

a section of British had started

thinking of leaving India forever.

